Risks of Application Dependencies and How to Mitigate Them
Written by Gilad David Maayan   
Monday, 16 January 2023

Application dependencies are an important aspect of software development and maintenance, as they provide the necessary components for an application to function properly. We look at ways to minimize five risks that can result from dependencies.

What Are Software Dependencies?

Software dependencies are external pieces of software that a specific application or program requires in order to run correctly. These dependencies can be libraries, frameworks, or other software that the application relies on in order to function properly.  For example, if an application is written in Python, it may depend on certain Python libraries in order to perform certain tasks. The application may also depend on other software or systems, such as a database or a specific version of an operating system.

Managing dependencies is an important part of software development and maintenance. Properly managing dependencies ensures that an application has all the necessary components it needs to run, and can also help to prevent conflicts or compatibility issues with other software.

Common Dependency Risks You Need to Know

Dependencies are an important aspect of software development and maintenance, as they provide the necessary components for an application to function properly. However, managing dependencies can also present certain risks, such as cloud migration, poor uniformity, limited updates, limited visibility, and internal dependency.

Limited Visibility 

Limited visibility is a common dependency risk that occurs when it is difficult to track and understand all of an application's dependencies. This can be a significant risk for organizations that have complex or large-scale applications with multiple dependencies, as it can be difficult to identify and resolve issues that may arise. It is part of a broader challenge in IT and software development known as observability. For example, if an application has dependencies that are not properly documented, it can be difficult to understand the impact of changes to these dependencies on the application. This can make it challenging to identify and resolve issues that may arise, or to understand the potential impact of changes to the dependencies on the application.

Limited visibility can also make it difficult to identify and resolve conflicts or compatibility issues between dependencies. Without a clear understanding of all the dependencies that an application relies on, it can be difficult to identify and resolve issues that may arise as a result of these dependencies.

Cloud Migration

Application dependencies can be a risk for cloud migration. First, when moving an application to the cloud, it is important to ensure that all of its dependencies are properly accounted for and configured. If any of the dependencies are not installed or configured correctly, the application may not be able to run properly in the cloud, which can lead to issues or downtime.

Another potential risk of application dependencies during cloud migration is that they may not be compatible with the cloud environment. For example, if an application has a dependency on a specific version of a programming language or framework that is not supported in the cloud environment, it may not be able to run properly. 

Poor Uniformity 

Poor uniformity, also known as dependency confusion, is a common dependency risk that occurs when an application has multiple dependencies that are not consistent with each other. This can happen when an application uses different versions of the same dependency, or when it uses dependencies that are incompatible with each other. For example, if an application uses two different versions of the same library, it may cause conflicts or compatibility issues that can affect the application's performance or stability. Similarly, if an application uses two different libraries that are incompatible with each other, it may cause issues with the application's functionality.

Poor uniformity can be difficult to detect and can be a significant risk for organizations that have complex or large-scale applications with multiple dependencies. It can be especially challenging to manage dependencies in environments where there are frequent updates or changes to the dependencies, as it can be difficult to keep track of all the different versions and ensure that they are compatible with each other.

Limited Updates

Limited updates is a risk that occurs when dependencies are not regularly updated or maintained. This can leave an application vulnerable to security risks or other issues, as outdated dependencies may contain vulnerabilities or bugs that can be exploited. For example, if an application depends on a library or framework that is no longer supported or maintained, it may be at risk of security vulnerabilities or other issues that cannot be resolved. Similarly, if an application depends on an outdated version of an operating system or other software, it may be at risk of compatibility issues or performance problems.

Internal Dependency 

Internal dependency is a common dependency risk that occurs when an application depends on internal libraries or systems that are not properly managed or maintained. This can be a significant risk for organizations that have custom-built libraries or systems that are used by multiple applications. If these internal dependencies are not properly managed or maintained, it can lead to issues with the application's performance or stability. For example, if an internal dependency is not updated or supported, it may cause compatibility issues with other applications or systems that rely on it.

Internal dependency can also be a risk if there is a lack of documentation or visibility into the dependencies. Without proper documentation or understanding of the dependencies, it can be difficult to identify and resolve issues that may arise, or to understand the impact of changes to the dependencies on the application.

How to Overcome Software Dependency Risks

Effective dependency management is crucial for ensuring that an application has all the necessary components it needs to run smoothly and effectively. This section discusses some strategies for overcoming software dependencies, including mapping dependencies, eliminating unnecessary dependencies, and considering established repositories.

Map Dependencies

It is important to have a clear understanding of all the dependencies that an application relies on. This can involve mapping out the dependencies and documenting them in a clear and organized way. This can help to identify any potential conflicts or compatibility issues and make it easier to manage and maintain the dependencies over time.



Eliminate Unnecessary Dependencies

Another way to overcome dependencies is to eliminate unnecessary dependencies. This can involve reviewing the dependencies of an application and identifying any that are not essential to the application's functionality. Removing unnecessary dependencies can help to reduce complexity and make it easier to manage and maintain the dependencies over time.

Consider Established Repositories

Established repositories, such as package managers or software repositories, can be a useful resource for managing dependencies. These repositories often provide a range of dependencies that are regularly updated and maintained, which can help to reduce the risk of limited updates and other issues. By using established repositories, organizations can also benefit from the expertise and resources of the repository's maintainers, which can help to ensure the quality and stability of the dependencies.


In conclusion, application dependencies are an important aspect of software development and maintenance, as they provide the necessary components for an application to function properly. However, managing dependencies also carries certain risks, such as poor uniformity, limited updates, limited visibility, and internal dependency. 

To mitigate these risks, it is important to have a clear and well-documented process in place for managing dependencies, including mapping out dependencies, eliminating unnecessary dependencies, and using established repositories. By taking these steps, organizations can ensure that their applications have the necessary dependencies to function properly and can minimize the risk of issues arising as a result of dependencies.

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